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1A. Read the rubric in the HOMEPAGE brainstorm on a mindmap - what are the features of different worlds? Make a mindmap of the featurs of DIFFERENT WORLDS using INSPIRATION.
1.Look at the photos above and watch the video "Images of Bollywood".                                                                                                                                         Make a list of the features of Bollywood? 
2. Read the Bollywood conventions from the booklet and go through the powerpoint attached: What is Bollywood.ppt (369 kB)  What are Bollywood film conventions?
3.What happens to people who move from one culture to another? Explain.

4. Write your own explanation of what you understand by the concept of different worlds from the knowledge you have gained thus far. 200 words.

Different worlds challenge the way we see ourselves.

Different Worlds Challenge the Way We See Ourselves

Date: 15/06/2010 | By: Stephanie Tesoriero

One's individual perspectives are constantly altered due our ongoing assimilation and familiarities with differentiating cultures. Such inferences can be observed through our tendency to accept our own cultures from which we born into. These tendencies often causing different cultures to appear inferior to your own. Often their beliefs and traditions are challenged because they differ from our own and our expectations somewhat subvert us into thinking that often our Western cultures and responsibilities are greater. Hence it can be concluded that our diffrening perspectives, responsibilites, beliefs and traditions depend ultimatley upon our exposure and maturity to accept or decline the characterisitics of each differentiating cultural which through their appropriation challenge the way we see both others and ourselves.

different worlds challenge the way we see ourselves.

Date: 15/06/2010 | By: Natalie Wardan

A persons culture and their world has a really big impact on the way they see themselves as a person. This can then sometimes bring on issues on accepting other cultures or being blinded by the stereotype of their own culture. For example in the movie bride and prejudice Darcy is so stuck in his own world which dominates the media that the thought of possibly an arranged marriage seems odd to him however Lalita provides alittle insight to him showing that the world doesnt revolve around his culture. with culture it is sometimes felt by a person that they must live out their life and do things based on the world that their from. for example being in an Indian culture you are required to get married and then fall inlove many traditional indians who dont follow the traditions start to challenge their world and challenge the way they see themselves. then theres the worlds who dominate the media and create the stereotypes. Places like America and England create the stereotypes and influence most of the countries on the way things are meant to be. challenging the more traditional countries and peoples ways of seeing themseleves.

Different Worlds

Date: 15/06/2010 | By: Courtney Walsh

Food, religion, culture and traditions are all concepts which fall under concept of different worlds. Although, being exposed to these different and alternating cultures/worlds we begin to revise our world, wondering if it could be changed or improved in any way. By exposing ourselves to different worlds and cultures we may begin to lose our own world, traditions and foods even religion could end up changing. It is through these changes that we flourish as a nation, Australia. In this multicultural nation we are open to ways in which other people live through their culture and traditions, making us tolerant of how other people live there life. Therefore, this brings a new understanding of the concept of different worlds.

'Different worlds challenge the way we see ourselves.'

Date: 14/06/2010 | By: Chloee Wongso

How do the different worlds in our society modify the way we see ourselves? Through the various cultures and traditions that we are all exposed to, it may become easy to lose our own identity and to remember where our heritage and up-bringing lies. In our multicultural country of Australia, we are flourished with a variety of cultures and ethnic backgrounds which can influence the way we see ourselves. One may often compare and contrast how different their world is opposed to others and may want to seize up to them. However, this causes us to change who we are. For example, in an interracial marriage that occurs within a community. The bride may be of a western background and are Catholics and the groom may be of a Muslim religion. There can be challenges with the religion if one should be similar to the other. This can cause our own individual identity to be lost so that we could adapt and 'fit in' to the family. Issues of discrimination and superiority can occur when someone from a different background contrasts their heritage with another. Another example is the Aboriginal people in society. Ever since the Europeans moved in, the Indigenous people were treated less than what they deserved even though they own the land.
Therefore, the different worlds can challenge the way one sees themselves either in doubt or with a patriot's pride. (Y)

Different worlds challenge the way we see ourselves

Date: 14/06/2010 | By: Helen Harb (Hamish)

Everybody has their own culture, background and traditions which affects the way we live our lives, how we perceive the world, and what we believe in. We have grown up with these beliefs and perceptions and so when we are introduced to a new culture, we begin to compare. The many differences between cultures challenge the way we see ourselves. We start to question what is right and what is better between the cultures. for example, the challenge comes when a person with a different culture is introduced to a majority of people who each have the same culture. The group may exclude this person because they are unfamiliar with the persons beliefs and perceptions and believe their own culture to be the correct one. The person who is excluded is challenged in the way they see themselves as they may begin to question their own culture and want to change so that they can fit in with the majority. On the other hand, the many similarities between cultures challenges us to accept and realise that even though there are some differences, that we are all connected, in that we can all contribute something different and that differences between cultures can be embraced to bring all sorts of variations to the world. If we can all learn to accept and respect other peoples cultures and races, then we will each be able to take pride in our own culture, rather than being ashamed, and trying to change ourselves for others.

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