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1A. Read the rubric in the HOMEPAGE brainstorm on a mindmap - what are the features of different worlds? Make a mindmap of the featurs of DIFFERENT WORLDS using INSPIRATION.
1.Look at the photos above and watch the video "Images of Bollywood".                                                                                                                                         Make a list of the features of Bollywood? 
2. Read the Bollywood conventions from the booklet and go through the powerpoint attached: What is Bollywood.ppt (369 kB)  What are Bollywood film conventions?
3.What happens to people who move from one culture to another? Explain.

4. Write your own explanation of what you understand by the concept of different worlds from the knowledge you have gained thus far. 200 words.

Different worlds challenge the way we see ourselves.

Different worlds challenge the way we see ourselves.

Date: 14/06/2010 | By: Taylor Mikaelian

The culture we are born into largely effects the way we see the world because of traditions, beliefs etc. Living for one culture can cause you to be narow minded, and so when another culture is introduced into your life, it is automatically considered inferior or incorrect. If you can accept the culture you will be able to understand that there is no better way of living, just different ways. Through exposion of different cultures, we are able to understand and challenge our own way of living and thus question our own culture instead of just living it.

Different Worlds Challenge The Way We See Ourselves

Date: 13/06/2010 | By: Brianna Ng

Living in a multicultural society of Australia today, we definitely witness a variety of traditions by a range of cultures, some which we are able to recognise and some which we may be unfamiliar with. As we are all raised in a different way, when we become exposed to another ‘kind,’ one who appears differently or has diverse beliefs and traditions, we develop judgements and opinions based on our own culture and principles, hence the way we were raised. The contact with different worlds affect and challenge the way we see ourselves, as we give in to our curiosity and put forth questions about our uncertainty, insecurity and confusion about other customs and whether who is right or wrong. However the fact is that there is no right or wrong between different ways of life, it is a matter of understanding. That is because we are all unique and we can only confront, compromise and learn to develop and accept the perspective’s of other cultures in order to overcome the existing cultural differences. Also currently in our world, it is common being under the influence of the media which is dominated by the United States and Western cultures, as we play a large role in consumerism, (– consumer culture) this is called cultural imperialism. It causes us to obliviously perceive the Western culture as more ‘ordinary’ than other cultures because we are frequently absorbing it through the media. It becomes a part of us thereby creating conflict and impairing our judgements and attitudes towards ourselves and others in different worlds.

Different worlds challenge the way we see ourselves

Date: 13/06/2010 | By: Mica Pasaporte

The different nationalities and cultures around the world, can challenge the way we see ourselves. This concept can deeply affect us and the way we see everyone else. From this, each person can live their life believing things on a different level. The way a person is brought up can be centered around everything from religion to clothing and even marriage. However, as humans we naturally adapt to our own culture which makes it hard to understand the rest. Therefore when an individual is introduced to a new culture, it may be hard to understand everything about it. This can heavily influence the way they see themselves as they may compare their culture and life, to everyone else. It is up to them, to learn and understand a culture, because despite the variety of "different worlds" we as a human race are one.

Different Worlds Challenge the Way We See Ourselves

Date: 13/06/2010 | By: Michaela Garcia

Each culture is unique and as humans we should respect that and challenge ourselves to keep an open mind. The world a person belongs to will heavily influence them – their beliefs, the way they act, their perception of the world etc. By being introduced to new cultures we are called to think about our own culture and the way we live our own lives. On being introduced to new worlds many people become uncomfortable and judgemental because the idea of a new way of life is completely alien to them. Some people when viewing different ‘worlds’ automatically see their own as more superior or civilised, but this is impossible and incorrect. There is no ‘better way of life’ just different ways of living. By accepting and considering these different worlds we can improve our views on the world around us and our interactions with other people.

Different worlds challenge the way we see ourselves

Date: 13/06/2010 | By: Kim Lobo

Our world consists of various cultures and traditions, which makes us who we are and our individuality. All people act and perceive things differently depending on how and where we were brought up, in ‘different worlds’. However, once we are exposed to different cultures and traditions, we naturally compare ourselves and our values to those around us. This ‘culture clash’, causes us to change our traditions and cultures to fit-in or adapt to the place in which we live. As we see various cultures, we may start to question our own traditions and whether they are right or wrong. Consequently, this manipulates the way we see our self, and causes us to change, to create what we and those around us perceive as ‘right’. Additionally, the variations of cultures act as a challenge, to either stick to our culture or adapt to the one of others. This may influence the way we see our self, act or perceives others. However, the greatest challenge we face is losing our own culture, to keep our values even though it may look or feel alien to others, because without variation we would lose our identity.

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